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Russian and Ukrainian women for dating and marriage



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Unlimited dating with Russian women

    You just pay for a subscription: Silver or Gold, and it will allow you to have unrestricted communication with all Russian women on the site. You can send letters to all women that catch your interest. Special additional services will help you. Russian women

Online translator

    We have a special solution for online translator, some ladies do not know English and other languages or they know but that is not enough for free conversation. We won't ask you to pay for the translation of your letters. You can use an online translator on the site for free even if you are not a paying member. This will allow you to communicate freely with all the Russian girls on the site, without any restrictions. Russian women

Life support chat

     Let us know if you have some troubles or questions when you use our site. Our special manager will try to help you. You can call to us if you need in advice how to find a beautiful Russian bride or something else. Do not hesitate to call for advice. Russian women

Instant compatibility rate

    Do you trast your intuition? Check your intuiton with our PI test program ! Our PI test estimates 25 factors of the couple's compatibility. Every profile of Russian women has precise and detailed science prognosis of you further relations. Russian women

Special anti-scam program

    We have our anti-scam program that helps us to get rid our site of scammers. We do not look only through scammers lists (we have our own scammer list also where people can register scammers) but also see through their contrivance. But be careful, If somebody ask you about money, please call to our manager. Russian women

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Read our advices on the best way to have the best result if you want to marry a Russian woman

Register to our site, try to put several photos of you, do not take photos by your mobile. Quality should be not bad.

Be active- show yourself as a confident and energetic man as you certainly are. Write letters. The best number is 45-55. It will allow you to see who you are comfortable with, who will be interested in you.

Communicate with several Russian women you like. See if they answer your question, if you are comfortable with them. You won't know what to say with some of them, but you will instantly find some topics with others.

Do not make the communication by letter long. Russian ladies mostly do not like it. They are afaid that it will lead to no result but they are seriously minded and want good result. Ask for a telephone number and phone to her.

If she has children ask her about them. Tell her about your children. Ask important points about family relationship, about children upbringing

If you really like her after telephone calls and letters, if you wait for the time to phone - do not waste time, do not make the time destroy something that began to grow between you- Come to Russia and meet her personally. Live in the hotel , not in her place, if you fall in love with each other, she will make you acquainted with her parents, children.

Try to arrange the next meeting as soon as possible or make arrangements to marry her. Do not hesitate or someone else will find her.

Russian women

The most common mistakes men do when they search for a wife in Russia or Ukraine:

1. Judge Russian women by photos. Charming photos, photos look like pictures from the women's magazine. They can amaze and attract your attention. But 80 per cent of letters are received by 20 per cent of women. But they are not more beautiful, they are not more interesting than others. They just have pictures better than others. Some women are unable to get professionally made photos( not only women and men too).
As a rule, men do not pay attention to psychological test results , to compatibility. But it is very important to remember they will live with a woman, not with pictures. In fact, picture shows only body of woman, and does not show her soul. They will be unhappy if they have beautiful lovely wife that is always makes rows or constantly nagging and does not want to sleep with them.
Some time ago I talked to a man from France, he was complaining that he had got acquainted by Internet with several Russian ladies, they were completely breathtaking in their photos, but when he came to meet them they were just average, ordinary, not like models on the podiums.
He told that when he was walking along the streets of Moscow and saw many attractive beautiful Russian girls walking along the street, they were not in hurry, talked with their friends, laughed a lot. Why then did he meet Russian ladies who were beautiful in the pictures, but were tired, tedious, not funny? Yes, it can happen also. If a woman exhausts herself with work. She has, for example, to care alone for her child or she needs to rent an apartment and it is very expensive in Russia especially in big cities, she looks not her best, and you can't imagine how she changes after rest or after she does not need to work so hard. By the way, all the Russian girls that he met were hard working ones and he saw them after full working day (in one case after a night shift). And he saw in the street beautiful Russian women who had holidays or were students and so had vacations or even does not work at all as they had boyfriends who cared for them. That's where from such a difference!

2. The second mistakeThe third mistake is a choice! Some men just can't stop (some women are into this also). The best is an enemy of good enough. They find someone, meet, everything is all right but they continue to look and look for new girls. They are poisoned by an idea that maybe somewhere there is a woman with whom it is better, who is more interesting, and more lovely.

3. The third mistake the men who are looking for a lovely Russian bride do is the result of this also. Many men look for models in appearance, they want to be an envy of all their friends. But they want to live with normal women, kind-hearted, devoted. In other hand most girls who look like models do not want real relationship, they want just men's admiration, they want to be the point of attention. But they do not need warmth, closeness, intimacy.
The second reason is that even if there is such a paragon who combines model appearance with warmth and comfort. They are very rare. Incidentally, in Russia, they can be found more often than elsewhere. Joke about it below:
Two old men are sitting near a fireplace at night. One man says looking in the fire. I was never married in my life. - Why? - Oh, I was alwasy searching for a perfect woman for me. - And? Did not you find her? - No, I found her. But I was not a perfect man for her.
It is a bit sad joke, but I have met some men who acted so, and I saw them at the various sites for more than 10 years.

4. Strategy is important part of dating. Some men are not creative in it. Some men chose a strategy which surprises us. Some men who need 10 times or something like that, of confirmation that this particular woman wants to communicate with them. They send women a wink, receive a letter or a wink in return, then send her a postcard, receive something, then wink, wink, wink, wink, after 7 such "signs of attention" most clever women begin to get tired from this and stop answering. That became boring for everyone. Then they continue to send these signs to the women of his choice. But most Russian girls are already not interested in them.

5. About 60 per cent of men who visit site and register on it prefer to sign on and then wait for beautiful Russian women to write to them. Guess who has more letters, more choice and more chances to find their love, these 60 per cent who are just sitting and waiting for their dream girl to write to them or men who are active themselves, who search themselves and who answer every woman who write to them? Yes, the second group of men has much higher chances, especially if to take into account that many women do not want to be the initiators of the communication, they have traditional views on this and regard men as an active side. Do not forget this.

6.Some Men make registration to the site, but they do not want to place any photo there or they place a photo where it is impossible to see them or they put horrible pictures. they are under illusion that pictures do not mean anything for girls. It is men who choose by pictures, but women prefer them to write sensible and clever words, write about their profession, their hobbies. Yes, it is very good when you write a lot about you, but for women a lot is determined by your pictures. By the way they do not want men to look like models. In fact, men-models will most likely frighten them away, but they want to see your smile, to see your eyes, to feel calmness and reliability that comes from you, for some it is important to see you in your home. And only then they will read about your interests, about your hobbies, about your talents and what you like. They are often easy victims of scammers - scammers do not pay attention to photos and ready to answer or write to them themselves without asking for new photos.

7. Finally the last common mistake is that men want to find many women to visit in Russian and only then come, but in reality lovely women who were interested in them loose interest after some time and search for somebody else, men continue their search in the attempt to find more ladies, but women want more attention, and could not wait all their life and as result some ladies do not want to wait for him unknown amount of time and after some time when he does not answer when he can come they stop being interested in him. It is an endless process for them.
Russian women

Why are Russian and Ukrainian women looking for a husband abroad? Why do they register to the agencies or dating sites?

1. Mostly the reason for Russian women to register to the sites is to have more chances to find their life partner. For these women it does not matter if they will marry a Russian man or a Western man, they just look for love. Some women register at several sites dating agency, it shows that the girls are very serious about this. They can not know in advance which sites are better for it and what the site is unsuitable. They are not just waiting, but the women actively looking for love on the means that are available to her.

2. It is really easy to find a boyfriend in Russia, it is difficult to find a stable life partner and husband there. For many women after 30 it is a actually problem. They want stability that marriage here gives, they can want to have a child, but some men prefer to live together but not connect themselves by conjugal ties. Having children is an expensive pleasure now in Russia and the government helps families with children very little. This is the reason why many Russian men do not want to have children, especially the second child.

3. Some Russian or Ukrainian men are not good fathers and it hurts women. Women want to care together for their child (or children), to love, to think. But men prefer to put all the care on women. Russian woman can hope that if she marries an American or Western European men he will be a good father to her child and to their own one or two more children. These men are more caring to their children and not to only their children.

4. Nowadays it is the fact that Life in American or European countries is more stable and predictable than in Ukraine or Russia. It is one of the reasons why Russian or Ukrainian beautiful girls leave Russia or Ukraine but not the main reason. They get tired of instability and unpredictability. They want to live and not to worry what you will live on in several years. The standard of living in Russia or Ukraine for many average people is less than in other developed countries.

5. Some women come to the agency after painful divorces. They were hurt and want to leave everything behind and just leave from the "white page". Feel that there will be a man who will allow them to love in return who will love them and care for them. Russian women

About the site and features of the site

Online chat with Ukrainian and Russian brides - it is a new and very useful service on our site.

Russian women dating Flexible personal settings - you can many useful settings to your profile on the site. If it need you can hide yourself for the time you want nobody to see you in the gallery except only those to whom you write. You can install it on if you want to receive notifications about new messages or not. You can choose so that not to receive postcards, winks or ice-breaks, only messages.

Detailed psychological report - do you want to have a faithful and caring woman, use the test to find compatible Russian women. Detailed psychological report will help you not only find compatible women but also see how you can avoid mistakes in your relationship and make them perfect for your both.

Russian brides dating Advanced search - you can make the search in the database of our Russian girls as complex as you want. You can search by city, color of eyes and hair, number of children, the age of desired partner, compatibility with you, hight, weight, new users and many many others.

Matchmaking services - Checking information about girls, Translation of letters, Personal Search, Arranging meetings for men who are coming to St-Petersburg

Russian ladies dating Easy way to make contact - you can use winks. postcards, ice-breaks , simiple messages to initiate the contact with Russian women you like. Just put the photo to your profile and you can send the first sign of attention to all the Russian women on the site, if you want to continue contact, upgrade.

Russian women dating free Photo rating - you can put your photo to photo rating or vote for the Russian girls' pictures. Find the best-looking girls, tell them about it, get in contact with them.

Easy way to make contact - you can use winks. postcards, ice-breaks , simiple messages to initiate the contact with Russian women you like. Just put the photo to your profile and you can send the first sign of attention to all the Russian women on the site, if you want to continue contact, upgrade.
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Russian women